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The Unexpected Perks of Downsizing

Lisa Anteau • Oct 27, 2022

At some point in everyone’s life when our possessions have outlived their usefulness, or when we leave our earthly home, the “Great Organization” must take place. 

This is the unavoidable exercise of rationalizing our belongings to our current state. For some people, this happens over time and in stages. For others, the responsibility falls to a surviving spouse or their children after they are gone. But…what are the advantages of this end state? It turns out, quite a few.

Declutter & Organize

According to Miss Minimalist, Francine Jay, “Your home is a living space, not a storage space.” As we accumulate possessions over the years, these troves of sentimental treasures and wonderful deals can get to a point where they begin to interfere with living, creating obstacles to navigate around, extra cleaning and clutter. 

By clearing out rarely-used items, your living space and level of effort to maintain your home will be more manageable. Before simply packing these things away in a box to be hidden away, consider alternatives like selling, donating or giving to a family member. With excess items removed, you can focus on organizing what remains to best fit your lifestyle.

Eliminate Work for Your Children

Although the responsibility of sorting through a departed loved one’s possessions is one that most families will dutifully undertake, it can serve as a source of guilt knowing one has left those they care most about with an additional burden. 

Taking a practical approach to downsizing over time and having open communication within your family can help avoid this and get the job done in a way that works best for everyone. Items like china, silver and crystal that were cherished heirlooms passed from parents to children in generations past may not have the appeal to today’s families, whereas the well-loved quilt you use every day may hold cherished memories for your loved ones. 

The first place to start is with a conversation. This will help inform your plan and give you peace-of-mind.

Help Others in Need

The donation of household goods is a great way to pass along possessions to families that will truly use them. That extra couch in your family room could be a godsend for a family just starting out with little money to furnish their home. Local organizations such as the Women’s Center in Brainerd list many items for their ongoing needs including small appliances, pet supplies, pillows, beds and bedding, towels and washcloths, hangers, family board games, card games, and other basic household furnishings. Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity accepts new or gently used furniture, appliance and building materials for their ReStore, which sells them at a fraction of the retail price to support their mission of building homes for low-income families. 

Save Money, and the Environment

Typically, a smaller living space comes with a decrease in cost on everything from basic utilities to maintenance to property taxes. Your smaller home will consume fewer resources to heat, cool and maintain your space. 

If you are moving from an older home, you may be also moving into the era of more energy efficient appliances, which consume less energy, and – in the case of your dishwasher and washing machine – require less soap to get your items clean. For owners in Gracewin, you will enjoy all of these things, plus cooperative buying power! For example, CTC will be reducing their retail rates for phone and cable service by 15-20%.

Downsizing can invite you to reduce the clutter of your home and live more simply, with less time cleaning and maintaining your home as well. 


With fewer responsibilities at home, and particularly for those at Gracewin who are living maintenance-free, the possibilities are endless for indulging in some travel!   

With innovations in the hospitality industry over the past few decades, we now have access to different experiences at our fingertips through group travel programs, AirBnB rentals, RV travel and many more.  Whether taking a regional trip for a couple of days, or a missionary trip for a couple of months; with things settled on the home front you can enjoy every moment.


A 2020 study done by the US Census Bureau showed that fewer than 10% of American homes have even the most basic accessibility features. Getting into a space that works well for near term mobility needs can be a tremendous benefit as we grow older. Obstacles can present themselves in the form of steps, doorways that are too narrow or carpets and flooring that are conducive to trips and falls. The fewer obstacles that exist within your living space, the greater the time and energy you will have available for other, more interesting pursuits! 

Reduce stress

Marie Kondo, the world-famous organization consultant has this to say: “A dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective. It is life transforming.” Some find the experience of downsizing cathartic, while others work patiently through the process with the hope of better days to come. 

One thing for certain is once the work is done; a more peaceful and organized life awaits. 

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